For ten minutes in the National Orchid Garden, situation in Singapore's Botanic Gardens, I took sweet, safe, conventional photographs.

And then my camera died. 

There were truly beautiful orchids, some of rare colors and patterns, and I wasn't able to photographs them. Instead of being pissed, I tried focusing on experiencing the garden: the sounds, smells, textures. Being without a camera might be a positive thing after all. 

But then I saw these flowers, and I knew that if I didn't photograph them I would have to:
1. go back to my apartment, charge my camera, and then return to the gardens to photograph them
2. make a list of the photographs I wish I had taken, and obsess over it for a day or two. 

Instead, twice I asked my friend Mary to borrow her amazing Pentax camera, complete with a 50mm lens. 

Do you see what I was going for?